Seneca Park Zoo offers an array of workshops, both in-person and virtual, for all levels of scout troops. Programs are designed to meet badge requirements and build skills.
For more information about our safety procedures for in-person workshops and our cancellation policy, please see our FAQs for education programs at the Zoo. For more information about our procedures for virtual workshops, please see our FAQs for virtual Zoo programs.
Available Dates:
March 8, 10am-12:30pm
March 30, 10am-12:30pm
April 27, 10am-12:30pm
April 27, 2:30-5pm
May 4, 10am-12:30pm
May 4, 2:30-5pm
Girl Scout and Cub Scout Workshops
In-person workshops are two-and-a-half hour sessions and usually include:
- A Zoo exploration
- Activities to help earn patches and badges
- An animal presentation
In-Person Workshops: $270, includes up to 10 scouts and 2 scout leaders
Additional scouts: $27 each
Additional adults: $22 each
Non-refundable fees are paid upon registration
Scouts BSA Merit Badge Workshops
In-person workshops are three hours and usually include:
- A Zoo exploration
- Activities to help earn badges
- An animal presentation
$40 per scout
Non-refundable fees are paid upon registering
Girl Scout Workshops
Between Earth & Sky
During this adventure, we will look for the many shapes and colors found in nature, as we discover how unique animals can be. We will also discuss how scouts can help protect wildlife and wild places.
This experience will help fulfill sessions 1-3, 5 and 8 of the journey.
3 Cheers for Animals!
Daisy scouts will learn about how animals are unique! They will discuss how animals communicate, move and what each animal needs to survive. Scouts will explore the Zoo and talk about animal needs, how our zoo keepers communicate with animals under their care, and how those animals communicate with each other. They will also meet some animals up close and work on a craft.
This experience will help fulfill sessions 1-6 of the journey.
Welcome to the Garden
Coming to the Zoo is a great way to learn about the resources animals need and how to use them wisely. Scouts will explore the Zoo, meet some animals up close, plant a mini-garden, and learn what plants and animals need to survive.
This experience will help fulfill sessions 1, 3, & 4 of the journey.
Eco Learner
Daisy scouts will learn ways to protect the environment as they have fun exploring nature! Scouts will play a game to show that they are prepared for an outdoor adventure. They will meet some program animals up-close to learn why it is important to protect nature from trash.
This experience will help fulfill steps 1-3 of the Eco Learner badge.
Wonders of Water
Water is everywhere and animals at the Zoo depend on it. Scouts will explore the Zoo talking about all the ways that animals need water, as well as how people need water, and why it is important to conserve it. Brownies will also go on a journey with Freddie the fish, discuss things they can do to help keep water clean, and create their own plan to save water.
This experience will help fulfill sessions 1-4 of the journey.
Brownie scouts will learn all about bugs! Scouts will meet some bugs up close, as well as explore the zoo looking for animals that depend on bugs. They will also be able to apply their new bug knowledge to making their own bug craft as they discuss why bugs are important.
This experience will help fulfill steps 1-5 of the Bugs Badge.
Household Elf
Join us at Seneca Park Zoo as we learn about how to save energy and water, and make the Earth a nicer place for animals and people alike! We will tour the Zoo talking about why saving energy and recycling helps not only us, but all other living creatures as well.
This experience will help fulfill steps 1-3, & 5 of the Household Elf badge.
Eco Friend
Brownie scouts will learn how to be a friend to nature as they practice the Leave No Trace principles on a hike through the Zoo. Scouts will show respect to wildlife and practice being kind as they explore the outdoors. They will observe animals and their homes and use their observations to create an art project.
This experience will help fulfill requirements 1, 2, 4 & 5 of the Eco Friend badge.
Animal Habitats
Scouts will learn about different animal habitats, what each animal needs to help them survive, and if anything is threatening their populations. They will discuss what they can do to help protect animals in their natural range.
This experience will help fulfill steps 1, 2 & 4 of the Animal Habitats Badge. The in-person workshop also completes steps 3 & 5.
Animal Helpers
As they explore the Zoo, scouts will discuss the various connections between animals and humans. They will learn about how people’s feelings about certain animal species have changed over time. They will see amazing animal adaptations up close and make predictions about how animals can help humans in the future.
This experience will help fulfill steps 1 & 5 of the Animal Helpers Badge.
Voice for Animals
Learn to be a voice for animals at the Zoo! Scouts will tour the Zoo discussing the problems animals face in their natural ranges, as well as what we are doing to help. We will also discuss animal welfare and the research projects that the Zoo participates in.
This experience will help fulfill steps 1, 2, 4, & 5 of the Voice for Animals badge.
Cub Scout Workshops
Mountain Lion
Come to Seneca Park Zoo for a Mountain Lion adventure! We will show our respect for animals and nature as we go on a learning hike throughout the Zoo and meet some animals up-close. Scouts will practice being prepared and safe during outdoor adventures through an interactive game.
This experience will help fulfill requirements 1-4 of the adventure.
Tigers in the Wild
Join us on a Tigers in the Wild adventure! We will observe animals and learn how living by the Cub Scout Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids can help wildlife and their habitats.
This experience will help fulfill requirements 1-5 of the adventure.
Paws on the Path
Join us on a Paws on the Path adventure! We will observe some of the awesome animals that live at Seneca Park Zoo, including some local animals. Scouts will explore outdoor safety and why being respectful to nature is important.
This experience will help fulfill requirements 1-5 of the adventure.
New workshops coming soon!
New workshops coming soon!
New workshops coming soon!
Scouts BSA Merit Badge Workshops
Bird Study
During this workshop scouts will discover how birds can be indicators of the health of an ecosystem. We will practice our naturalist skills as we identify birds and sketch them in field notebooks. Scouts will observe birds to identify how they are adapted to their habitats. This workshop is taught by a certified merit badge counselor.
This experience will help fulfill requirements 1, 2, 4-7, and 10-11 of the merit badge.
Mammal Study
During this workshop scouts will investigate what makes mammals unique as they observe the many mammals that live in Seneca Park Zoo. We will classify mammals, study the history of a local mammal, and trace mammals through food chains. Scouts will also develop a plan for a project that affects mammals in their backyard. This workshop is taught by a certified merit badge counselor.
This experience will help fulfill requirements 1, 2, 3c & 4g of the merit badge.
Next Workshop: TBD
We also offer virtual scout workshops. Pricing is $100 which includes exclusive logins for one troop. For more information, email [email protected]