Cryptocurrency Donations Supporting Conservation

cryptocurrency conservation donations are now accepted at Seneca Park zoo

The Seneca Park Zoo Society is now accepting Stellar Lumen, and other proof of stake cryptocurrency conservation donations for conservation projects worldwide.

The Seneca Park Zoo Society recognizes cryptocurrencies are fast becoming mainstream, particularly in the international market. Conservation organizations that embrace new technologies are able to engage younger philanthropists and ensure programs and initiatives are funded now, and for the future.

Stellar Lumens (XLM) is the recommended cryptocurrency for cryptocurrency conservation donations made to the Seneca Park Zoo Society. Stellar Lumens have been found to be the greenest payment option in the crypto ecosystem. With the lowest carbon emissions footprint among cryptocurrencies, the Stellar Lumen architecture uses far less electricity and offers significant environmental advantages over other cryptocurrencies.

Support the Seneca Park Zoo Society with a crypto donation by sending any payment amount via the wallet below.


Seneca Park Zoo Society Stellar Lumen (XML) Wallet

XML Stellar Lumen QR


Memo code: 3860295894


Every day is a great day to visit the Zoo. Experience life on the wild side, enjoy up-close animal interactions and support global conservation efforts—right here at the Zoo. Reserve your tickets now for quick and easy entry, and enjoy more time connecting with wildlife.

April 1 through October 31

Zoo opens at 9:30 a.m. for our Zoo members.
Open all year long. Closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.