
The Zoo offers convenient, free parking all year round!

There are two parking lots at the Zoo, both offered free of charge for guests. The main parking lot is located directly adjacent to the Zoo’s main entrance. The Zoo’s overflow parking can be found just a few hundred feet before the entrance to the main lot. There you will also find a small outdoor playground for public use and a scenic walking path to the Zoo.

Main Parking Lot

Overflow Lot

Every day is a great day to visit the Zoo. Experience life on the wild side, enjoy up-close animal interactions and support global conservation efforts—right here at the Zoo. Reserve your tickets now for quick and easy entry, and enjoy more time connecting with wildlife.

Nov 1 through March 31

Zoo opens at 9:30 a.m. for our Zoo members.
Open all year long. Closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.