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To celebrate Panamanian Golden Frog Conservation Weekend, the Seneca Park Zoo Naturalists and Urban Ecologists welcome you to join us for a free guided hike around Seneca Park. Come explore this beautiful park and learn about our local amphibians. Look, listen, and learn local frog & toad calls, identifications, and conservation efforts around NYS and beyond! All ages are welcome.

When: Sunday, July 14, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Where: Seneca Park, Wegmans Lodge

Register here

Thunder or lightning 
AQI of over 200 
Average temperature of  
Under 0 degrees F 
Over 80 degrees F 
Heavy rainfall (flood warnings) 
Over 2” of snow on the ground 
Wind conditions over 40 mph. 
Wind chill is below -18 degrees F 

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