Award Nominations

Nominate an individual, organization, or company for the Environmental Innovation Awards.

About the Awards

The Environmental Innovation Awards celebrate leadership in environmental stewardship, raising the profile of innovative companies and people working to solve environmental problems in the Rochester and Finger Lakes Region. In 2019, awards will be given in five categories:  Youth, Individual, Civic/Nonprofit, Small Business, and Large Business.

Nomination Criteria

• Must be 22 years old or younger
• Has identified and is working to create solutions to current environmental issues
• Nominee’s work or idea should mobilize others in the community/region
• Advocate for conservation and/or sustainability  Nominate• Has identified and is working to create solutions to current environmental issues
• Nominee’s work or idea should mobilize others in the community/region
• Advocate for conservation and/or sustainability Nominate• Government/nonprofit/community-based organization
• Created an innovative, scalable and replicable solution to conservation and/or sustainability issue(s) in the community/region
• Solution(s) should be original to the nominee or must be contributing something new in terms of scale or new application to a previously existing solution
• Must show evidence of solution creating a positive impact on the environment and/or reducing a negative impact (ex. amount of waste diverted from landfill)
• Must show evidence of solution’s ability to teach or share with others (ex. number of community members reached, trainings held, etc.)Nominate• Fewer than 100 employees
• Must show an innovative/original solution
• Must show evidence of lowering environmental footprint or customers’ environmental footprint
• Solution must be replicable for other companies
• Business should have sustainability/green practices and policies company wide, not just one unit/divisionNominate• 100 employees or more
• Must show an innovative/original solution
• Must show evidence of lowering environmental footprint or customers’ environmental footprint
• Solution must be replicable for other companies
• Company must have sustainability/green practices in play throughout company, not just one unit/division NominatePhoto Submissions

We highly encourage all nominators to include up to three photos with their online submission. Photos should highlight the story of the project/solution you are submitting a nomination for.

Nominations noted as honorable mentions will be recognized in our Sustainability Showcase at the event. Previously submitted photos will be needed for inclusion in the showcase.

Conditions of Entry

– Nominations must be submitted online by completing this nomination form and clicking submit at the end.

– Individuals, businesses, and organizations may self-nominate.

Nominations must be received by 11:59 p.m. Friday, September 13, 2019. Late entries will not be accepted, and incomplete entries will not be reviewed by the selection committee.

– Nominees in the youth category must be 22 years or younger as of September 1, 2019. All other categories are open to all ages.

– Nominees must have prior knowledge of and agree to their nomination.

– An individual, company, or organization can only be nominated in one category.

– Nominators are encouraged to add photos to their submission highlighting the project/solutions being nominated.

– Nominators are to include as much detail about the nominee as possible.

– Recipients will be presented their award at the Environmental Innovation Awards & Symposium on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

– Recipients of each award will be recognized as follows:

  • In the Environmental Awards & Symposium press release
  • In the ZooNooz Newsletter
  • Through the Sustainability Showcase and on the Seneca Park Zoo website
  • Connect with experts in the green/sustainability community
  • Inclusion in ongoing sustainability roundtable discussions
  • Earth Day presence on grounds at the Zoo

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