Let’s work together as a community to make the start of the school year better and easier! In an effort to make that possible, the Zoo will be running a back to school donation drive in partnership with Baden Street Settlement and the Ibero American Action League. From August 17 through August 25 bring in items from the list below and you will receive $2 off the price of general admission ticket for each items (packs multiple count as one for example a pack of 24 colored pencils would be one item). The items will then be distributed by our partners to families in the Rochester City School District. Please note items must be new, unopened packages. Thank you!
* Discounted ticket price must be redeemed when you bring in your donation. Not redeemable online or at a later date.
• Sturdy backpacks
• 8×11 spiral notebooks
• Pack 3 x 5 index cards
• Composition notebooks
• Pack block erasers
• Pack highlighters
• Kids/school scissors
• Child-sized headphones
• Box of gallon, quart, or sandwich Ziploc bags
• Pack Expo brand dry erase marker (thin, and both black and multicolor packs)
• Elmers brand glue sticks multi-packs
• Pack or tub Clorox/Lysol wipes
• 12oz. bottle hand sanitizer
• Box of tissues/Kleenex
• Pack of colored pencils
• Crayola crayon packs (24 count)
• 1” binders
• Pack, loose leaf paper
• 12 pack pencils (preferably Ticonderoga)