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Join us for an informative hike at Seneca Park Zoo to explore the impact of water pollution on local ecosystems. Discover how pollution affects indicator species and learn about conservation solutions like Littatraps and proper recycling. Observe these species in their natural habitats and gain practical tips on reducing water pollution. Perfect for nature lovers and families, this hike offers a hands-on way to contribute to environmental protection.

When: Thursday, July 18, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Genesee Valley Park, 149 Elmwood Ave

Register here

Thunder or lightning 
AQI of over 200 
Average temperature of  
Under 0 degrees F 
Over 80 degrees F 
Heavy rainfall (flood warnings) 
Over 2” of snow on the ground 
Wind conditions over 40 mph. 
Wind chill is below -18 degrees F 

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