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Join like-minded neighbors to help clean-up our local green spaces. You’ll be amazed at the impact a focused group can make in just a couple hours. Help us make Rochester a cleaner, greener city! Please dress for the weather and bring water to stay hydrated. Tools, bags, and gloves will be provided and all ages are welcome to attend.

To get out on the water for this clean up, check out the Genesee Waterways website to reserve a spot in a kayak 

When: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Where: Genesee Gateway Center
(149 Elmwood Ave, Rochester NY, 14611)

Register here

Thunder or lightning 
AQI of over 200 
Average temperature of  
Under 0 degrees F 
Over 80 degrees F 
Heavy rainfall (flood warnings) 
Over 2” of snow on the ground 
Wind conditions over 40 mph. 
Wind chill is below -18 degrees F 

Community CleanUps supported by