Frogs and toads are often difficult to tell apart. If you aren’t sure what differentiates them, you can easily find out what they are by their names. Right? Wrong! Oftentimes species names do not represent their true classification. For example, Panamanian golden frogs are actually toads, and fire bellied toads are actually frogs! Confused? Here are some basic characteristics to help you out:
Toads tend to have dry and warty skin, while frogs tend to have smooth and slimy skin. However, this isn’t always true, and should not be used as the main way to tell them apart!
Toads lay their eggs in strings along waterways, while frogs lay their eggs in clumps in waterways.
Toads have short hind legs for hopping and walking, while frogs have long hind legs for leaping and swimming.
Toads have eyes that are lower on their face, while frogs have eyes on the tops of their heads in order to see above water while their bodies are submerged.
Toads live on dry land as adults, while frogs tend to live in or by water as adults.
Think you have enough info to figure it out? Next time you’re at the Zoo, check out the amphibians and see if you can spot the differences!
– Zoo Keeper Rhonda McDonald