Zoo Society Director of Programming and Conservation Action Tom Snyder will be documenting the team’s findings as One Cubic Foot Madagascar continues.In the past week at the Centre Valbio Field Station in Ranomafana National Park, the SPZS One Cubic Foot team has had just over a day’s worth of time that it hasn’t rained. This has delayed us some, and it has definitely limited our findings, and the cool temperatures (low 50’s at night), and lack of sunlight has kept most the critters under shelter.
The cube has been placed, and on Wednesday June 1st, David Liittschwager and his assistant Zach Kobrinsky created a beautiful panoramic shot of the cube in situ. After this, they hooked up the infrared GoPro for the first overnight monitoring session. On Thursday the 2nd weather was especially nasty. With increased winds, and a driving rain, a small contingent of the crew hiked out after lunch to pick up the infrared GoPro and collect as much as possible during daylight hours.The forecast for Friday seems to give us chance for one more day of good weather, with partly cloudy skies predicted. If we get a good sunny day, we will surely be out collecting more animals that use the best One Cubic Foot space we have been able to find in Ranomafana National Park.Images courtesy of David Liittschwager