Pay Once, Visit Twice!

At The Zoo 2222 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York

When you purchase a general admission ticket online anytime during the month of March, you’ll receive a second visit for free. This gives you another opportunity to explore the zoo, […]

Membership Bring-a-Guest Days!

At The Zoo 2222 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York

  Membership Bring-a-Guest Days! This March, we’re giving our members the opportunity to share their love of wildlife and conservation with friends and family! Every Saturday and Sunday, Zoo members […]

Membership Bring-a-Guest Days!

At The Zoo 2222 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York

  Membership Bring-a-Guest Days! This March, we’re giving our members the opportunity to share their love of wildlife and conservation with friends and family! Every Saturday and Sunday, Zoo members […]

Foodlink Donation Drive

At The Zoo 2222 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York

On March 22 & 23, we're partnering with Foodlink to support local families with healthy, nutritious donations. We're seeking non-perishable, healthy items like low-sugar cereals, brown rice, whole grain pasta, […]

Turning Point Park Clean Up

Turning Point Park 260 Boxart Street, Rochester, NY, United States

Join us at Marilla's Mindful Supplies for a community cleanup and learn about Littatraps from a Zoo Naturalist! Together with Like-minded neighbors, we'll work to clean up our local green spaces and make Rochester a cleaner, greener city!

Membership Bring-a-Guest Days!

At The Zoo 2222 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York

  Membership Bring-a-Guest Days! This March, we’re giving our members the opportunity to share their love of wildlife and conservation with friends and family! Every Saturday and Sunday, Zoo members […]