Dumeril's Ground Boa

(Acrantophis dumerili)

The Zoo is home to two Dumeril’s ground boas, a female named Ursula and her male offspring, Triton. Ursala’s habitat can be found inside the Creatures of the River’s Edge building. Triton was born at the Zoo in August 2018 and is currently a part of the Zoo’s ambassador animal collection.

Animal Facts


Small animals such as birds, lizards and frogs.

Status in The Wild

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List status

The Dumeril’s ground boa is found along the western coast and southwestern regions of Madagascar. The preferred habitat of this reptile is a semi-arid forested area with low amounts of rainfall.

Listed as CITES Appendix I, which puts strict limits on its exportation from Madagascar. Their numbers are declining due to habitat destruction in order to create agricultural areas or grazing for livestock; they are killed due to fear and superstition. Their skins are sold in the markets of Madagascar as well as other countries. They are also exported to be sold in the pet trade.